Welcome to our special section dedicated to flooring special offers, deals, and sales. We understand the importance of value for money and that's why we've created this page to bring all of our fantastic savings into one easy-to-find place.
Here you'll find a wide range of discounted flooring products, from high-quality hardwood and luxurious laminate to durable vinyl and elegant tile. These aren't just end-of-the-line items, but include some of our most popular flooring options.
But it's not just about the floor itself. We also offer deals on a variety of essential flooring accessories such as underlays, fitting tools, and aftercare products. Whether you're undertaking a complete floor renovation or simply looking to maintain your existing floor, you can find the right product at a great price.
Our special offers are updated regularly, so be sure to check back often to catch the latest deals. Whether you're shopping on a budget or looking for a premium product at a bargain price, our special offers section is the place to look.
Explore the range today and discover how much you could save on your next flooring project.
Enter the dimensions of your floor space or just add the area if you already know it. Add as many section/room dimensions as you need and click 'Save Project' to store the total. Then browse our products with the total price of your project.
For more details and information about how to measure a room see our guide
Showing 8–14 of 98 resultsSorted by price: low to high
£23.99 per m2
£38.38 inc V.A.T.£16.00 per m2
£38.40 inc V.A.T.£16.00 per m2
£38.40 inc V.A.T.£16.00 per m2
£38.40 inc V.A.T.£16.00 per m2
£38.40 inc V.A.T.£16.00 per m2
£38.40 inc V.A.T.£16.00 per m2
£38.40 inc V.A.T.Unit 5, Ashville Industrial Estate, Sutton Weaver, Runcorn, Cheshire, England, WA7 3EZ
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