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For more details and information about how to measure a room see our guide
12 Oct 2023
Underfloor Heating : What You Need To Know – Underfloor heating is a popular trend for modern homes. It consists of heat being spread over a large surface area, providing warmth and comfort to the entire space. Installing an underfloor heating system has numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to choose from a wider range of flooring options.
One of the most significant benefits of underfloor heating is its energy efficiency. Unlike traditional heating systems, which rely on hot air rising and circulating throughout a room, underfloor heating provides constant and even heat distribution. This results in less heat loss and lower energy bills. Additionally, it can be paired with renewable energy sources like solar panels, making it even more eco-friendly.
Another advantage of underfloor heating is its cost-effectiveness. Although initial installation costs may be higher, the long-term savings on energy bills make it a worthwhile investment. It also eliminates the need for radiators or other bulky heating units, freeing up space in the room and creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment.
However, not all flooring options are compatible with underfloor heating. It is essential to check with the flooring manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure safety and that warranties aren’t affected. For instance, solid wood floors are often not recommended for use with underfloor heating as they can warp or crack due to changes in temperature and moisture levels. Instead luxury vinyl flooring may be better suited for use with underfloor heating. These materials can withstand temperature changes and provide excellent heat transfer.
In conclusion, underfloor heating offers numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and a wider selection of flooring options. However, it is essential to check with the flooring manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure compatibility with your chosen flooring materials. By doing so, you will ensure safety and maintain your warranties while enjoying the comfort and warmth provided by underfloor heating.
Check out all of our flooring options on our website here.
Unit 5, Ashville Industrial Estate, Sutton Weaver, Runcorn, Cheshire, England, WA7 3EZ
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